Helping Children

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About us

"Ehsaas Charitable Trust"

It's sounds like a wonderful organization doing important work in uplifting and empowering various marginalized groups. It's heartwarming to hear about the efforts put into supporting underprivileged children, differently abled children, women, and senior citizens who might otherwise feel neglected and unwanted.

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What we do

We aim to provide empowering, Empowering Lives through Compassion and Inclusivity. We need your help

Uplifting Underprivileged Children
One of the primary focuses of Ehsaas Charitable Trust is on underprivileged children, especially those residing in slum areas. These children often face a lack of resources, education, and opportunities. Ehsaas works tirelessly to bridge these gaps by providing them with a nurturing environment and access to education, healthcare, and extracurricular activities
Empowering Differently-Abled Children
Inclusivity lies at the core of Ehsaas Charitable Trust's philosophy, and this is exemplified in their efforts to empower differently-abled children. Special kids, blind students, and wheelchair users are encouraged to participate in modeling, a field that traditionally lacks representation from diverse groups.
Women Empowerment
Recognizing the importance of gender equality and women's empowerment, Ehsaas Charitable Trust actively supports initiatives aimed at uplifting women from disadvantaged backgrounds. Through various vocational training programs and skill development workshops, the trust equips women with the tools they need to become self-sufficient and financially independent.
Supporting Neglected Senior Citizens
Inclusivity lies at the core of Ehsaas Charitable Trust's philosophy, and this is exemplified in their efforts to empower differently-abled children. Special kids, blind students, and wheelchair users are encouraged to participate in modeling, a field that traditionally lacks representation from diverse groups.

Who We Are

The Impact and Future of Ehsaas Charitable Trust

Over the years, "Ehsaas Charitable Trust" has left an indelible mark on the lives of countless individuals. Its focus on education, skill development, and empowerment has created a ripple effect, transforming not only the lives of the beneficiaries but also the communities they belong to.


The trust's socio-cultural shows have become highly anticipated events, attracting attention and support from various sections of society. The platform provided to the participants has opened doors to bigger opportunities, ensuring that their talents receive the recognition they deserve.

Time has changed

Socio-Cultural Shows: A Celebration of Diversity and Talent

The hallmark of Ehsaas Charitable Trust's initiatives is its annual socio-cultural show, aptly named "Ehsaas Ek Vishwas." Since its inception, this event has been a platform for celebration, unity, and showcasing the talent of individuals from all walks of life. The theme of culture-based performances encompasses a variety of art forms, including dancing, singing, and modeling, among others.


The show not only provides a space for hidden talents to shine but also fosters a sense of belonging and acceptance among participants and the audience. The performances of underprivileged children, differently-abled individuals, and senior citizens challenge societal norms and stereotypes, leaving a lasting impact on the collective consciousness.

Time has changed

Latest Campaigns

Uplifting Through Art and Performance

The socio-cultural show is a testament to the transformative power of art and performance. Children from slum areas who may have felt neglected and unwanted in their communities find a sense of purpose and belonging when they step onto the stage. The creative process, guided by caring choreographers, helps build their self-esteem and confidence, instilling in them a belief in their own potential. The applause and recognition they receive during the show serve as a reminder that their dreams are valid and achievable, regardless of their background. Through this celebration of talent, Ehsaas Charitable Trust offers hope and encouragement to these young performers, inspiring them to pursue their aspirations with determination.

Breaking Stereotypes in Modeling

In the world of fashion and modeling, Ehsaas Charitable Trust is breaking barriers and challenging preconceived notions of beauty and ability. By promoting differently-abled individuals, including those with visual impairments and wheelchair users, as models, the trust advocates for a more inclusive and diverse representation in the fashion industry. The professional groomers' efforts to train and prepare these participants ensure that they walk the ramp with confidence and grace. The sight of special kids, blind students, and wheelchair users confidently strutting down the runway sends a powerful message of acceptance and appreciation for all forms of beauty and talent.

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